Thursday, January 28, 2010

See You or Hear You?

Someone recently commented, "It might not be what they see, but what they learn."  This was in response to me questioning a vote of confidence a group of peers had given me.  Over the past several days, I have not been able to get away from that.  Not what they see, but what they learn.

Too often, we are concerned with how people view us.  Consider how much money is spent on clothing and beauty products.  These help us project a positive image to the world around us, but do nothing to actually change the world.  It is not enough to look good to the world around us; we need to impact the world around us.

The comment from my friend challenged me.  I asked myself these questions:  What am I trying to do?  What is my motivation?  Do people "hear" my life or just see me?

Tough questions, but questions that need an answer.  I took the challenge.  I encourage you to do the same.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

For the Record

For the record, I do not believe that Global Warming caused the earthquake in Haiti.  Neither do I believe that it was a judgment from God for some past evil action.  These were statements made by over-zealous (and somewhat misguided) people who hold to a religious belief.

See, true Christianity is not a religion.  It is about relationships.  First and foremost, it is about our relationship to the Sovereign God of the universe.  Second, it is about our relationship to the world around us.  When our relationship with God is in its proper context, we will be concerned about the world around us--not judgmental.

As a Christian, my response should be guided by the questions, "What would Jesus do?  How would He respond?"  And, honestly, He would not have condemned.  How can I be so sure?  He has already said it in Luke 13:2, 4:
Jesus answered, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way?...Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them--do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?
There are people hurting, suffering.  Our response should be compassion.  Our words should be encouraging.  Our actions should be comforting.

It is true that the Haitians need God....but so do we all.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Can't Always See

I sit looking out the window at the mountains that circle the valley in which I live.  However, at the moment, the mountains to my west are not visible.  I know they are there; I saw them just minutes ago.  But at the moment they are obscured by the falling snow.

Life is much like that.  One moment, we can see our goals in the distance.  Then suddenly they are invisible.  Just as the snow prevents me from seeing the mountains that I know are there, things come between us and our goals and obscure our vision. They prevent us from seeing our goals, seeing our destination.  They cause us to lose our bearings and become disoriented.

Even though the snow is pouring at the moment and I can't see even the outline of the mountains, I know they are there.  I know what direction they are and I know my orientation.  I do not let the snow prevent me from moving in the right direction.  I do not let the snow keep me from enjoying the beauty I know exists just beyond my vision at the moment.

Be encouraged.  Don't let the things of life, the business of life, the cares of life, blur your vision of your goals.  Just as the snow will stop and I will see the mountains again, so the things that are blocking your vision of your goals will cease.  Keep your bearings.  Stay the course.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What We Leave Behind

It is snowing and blowing here this morning.  About five minutes ago, I was walking in the snow outside.  Now, I can hardly see the tracks I made.  Hard to believe that in just a few minutes, there is virtually no evidence of where I was.

You know, life is much like that.  We live.  We walk through life hoping to make an impact.  But almost as quickly as we take a step, our previous step is all but forgotten.  Most of us will never be remembered by history.  For most of us, our impact on this world will never be colossal.  But that does not discourage us from taking the journey.

Each of us arise each morning and touch the lives of dozens of people.  And for the most part, nobody even notices.  But that does not keep us from getting up the next day and doing it again.  We recognize that most of us are never going to be famous.  That most of us are never going to be interviewed on national television.  But we keeping living our lives.  Touching our friends, family and strangers.

When I walked through the snow, there was an immediate impact on the area I stepped. For a moment, you could see my step, you could see my impact.  However, that did not last. And, more importantly, it will not prevent me from stepping again.

A new year, and a new decade, lie before us.  There are new steps to take, new lives to impact.  Do not let the lack of recognition or notoriety stop you.  You are living your life and touching people.  Make the best of each day.  Decide in this new year to purposefully live your life to impact your world.  Even though it seems the world does not notice, Someone sees your every step.