Monday, May 18, 2009

God in a Cup of Coffee

The mind is truly an amazing thing. It is funny how memories are triggered. It can be a simple as a song or a smell. This morning as I enjoyed a cup of freshly ground coffee, the aroma took me back to a time I was drinking that same kind of coffee and enjoying the presence of a friend. I thought about the time we had shared and longed to be with them again.

This reminds me of our relationship with God. Our relationship with Him should be the same way. Things in our life should remind us of times we were in His presence and cause us to desire that presence again. Our life should remind us daily of our relationship with God--the times we have shared and the times we long to share.

I have taken many jabs for my love of coffee. However, this morning it has helped me understand the powerful position memories have in our lives. How those memories remind us of past experiences. And how those memories should remind us of our relationship to the Creator of the Universe.