Saturday, January 21, 2012

Trusting in the Negative

 I am currently reading @MarkBatterson 's book The Circle Maker. Even having not finished it, I heartily recommend it.  

Tonight I read the following line:  If you can trust God when the answer is no, you're likely to give Him praise when the answer is yes.

That is a powerful statement.  But it is often hard to practice.  We approach God expecting Him to answer in the affirmative.  Before you start yelling, I understand faith. I teach on it frequently.  But there are times when we misunderstand what God desires to do in our lives.  It is then, when God has plainly said "NO!", that we must trust that He knows best.

And why would we not trust Him? The One Who created the universe. The One Who spoke and atoms formed, molecules coalesced, the electro-magnetic spectrum sprang into existence.  The One Who sent His Son to die for humanity.  Why should not we trust Him? 

But when our prayers go unanswered, at least in our thinking, our trust becomes shaken.  But it is then we must press in.  It is then we must listen for that still small voice.  For negatively answered prayers are the real indication of our Father's love for us.  If we always got our way, we would be most ungrateful.  But having heard our Father say "NO!", when He says "YES!", we are truly grateful.

So relax and REALLY trust God.  Listen for the "NO!"  For it brings forth the fruit of gracefulness in our lives.

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