Saturday, January 21, 2012

Trusting in the Negative

 I am currently reading @MarkBatterson 's book The Circle Maker. Even having not finished it, I heartily recommend it.  

Tonight I read the following line:  If you can trust God when the answer is no, you're likely to give Him praise when the answer is yes.

That is a powerful statement.  But it is often hard to practice.  We approach God expecting Him to answer in the affirmative.  Before you start yelling, I understand faith. I teach on it frequently.  But there are times when we misunderstand what God desires to do in our lives.  It is then, when God has plainly said "NO!", that we must trust that He knows best.

And why would we not trust Him? The One Who created the universe. The One Who spoke and atoms formed, molecules coalesced, the electro-magnetic spectrum sprang into existence.  The One Who sent His Son to die for humanity.  Why should not we trust Him? 

But when our prayers go unanswered, at least in our thinking, our trust becomes shaken.  But it is then we must press in.  It is then we must listen for that still small voice.  For negatively answered prayers are the real indication of our Father's love for us.  If we always got our way, we would be most ungrateful.  But having heard our Father say "NO!", when He says "YES!", we are truly grateful.

So relax and REALLY trust God.  Listen for the "NO!"  For it brings forth the fruit of gracefulness in our lives.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What Are You Giving?

And a lame man from birth was being carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple that is called the Beautiful Gate to ask alms of those entering the temple.
Acts 3:2 ESV

In Acts 3:1-10, we find the story of the lame man sitting at the Beautiful Gate.  This was the gate that was the entrance to the Temple. It separated the Court of the Gentiles from the Temple proper.  If you were on your way to the Temple to worship, you passed through this area.  

It was here that this man sat for years. He was 40 when he experienced the healing power of God (Acts 4:22).  Since a boy entered manhood around 12 or 13, this man probably had been sitting at the gate for 27 years. Think of it...twenty-seven years of begging for enough money to buy something for each day.  Every day he was there. In the rain, sunshine, heat and cold.  Watching the people move about. Hoping they would take pity on him as they made their way into the Temple to worship.

He sat and watched as the priests entered the Temple to serve.  He watched the scribes on their way to the Court of Israel.  He watched as the Pharisees pompously walked past him, probably on the other side for fear he was unclean.  He watched as the religious entered to worship, some giving to him and others ignoring him. None bringing him what he truly needed or desired--healing.

What about us? What are we doing with knowledge with have.  What are we doing with our relationship with Jesus?  Are we so focused on "going to the temple" that we ignore those in need around us? Do we give out "token" bits knowledge or even money when they need something much more?

Purpose today to NOT be like the religious who passed this man by.  Purpose today to be like Peter and John:  "what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus..."  They didn't give him a temporary fix. They gave him Jesus.