Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I just came in from letting the dog out before going to bed. It is 10:30pm here in the mountains and it is 44 degrees outside. It is apparent that fall is on its way. There is change in the air.

Change is part of life. We cannot keep things from changing. Our children change; they grow up. We change; we grow older. Time continues to march on and we cannot stop it. We cannot even slow it down.

With change an inevitable part of life, we must ask one question: What are we doing about it? Life continues and we cannot stop it. However, our decisions can impact our lives and the lives of those around us. That is the only thing we can permanently accomplish in this life. We must live each day with the idea of impacting lives for eternity. We must impact lives around us for the Kingdom.

Choose to live your life with impact. Choose to make a difference in the lives of those around you. Choose to make your life count.

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