Saturday, September 5, 2009

Re-acquainting with Old Friends

Over the last few days I have become re-acquainted with some people I have not seen in over 25 years. It really does not seem that it has been that long. However, after we began to talk, it was hard to realize that time had passed so quickly. We began to talk about marriages and children...and even grand-children.

It is funny how people who are so important at one stage of life become mere memories when change occurs. The people I have "found" were friends I knew when my Dad pastored in Texas. We moved to Ohio and my friends stayed in Texas. Over the years, those connections wore away. But, due to the miracle of the Internet, we have re-connected.

Sometimes our relationship with our Creator is the same way. Things change in our life, and our connection with God wears away. We must refresh that connection. That takes some effort on our part to stay connected. My connection with old friends wore away because other things became a priority. We cannot afford for that to happen with our relationship with God. We must take the time to nurture that relationship. Connections with friends, relationships take effort. But in the long run, they are worth it.

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