Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What to Read

Last week, I asked the question on my FaceBook page: If you could have only one book, besides Scripture, what would it be? By no means was this a scientific poll, and the responses were no where large enough to draw broad conclusions, it was interesting to read the responses.

While answers varied, the most frequent response was "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. This is one of my favorite devotionals. It is not full of platitudes or feel-good verbiage. It is hard-hitting and provokes one to think. A good choice.

A close family friend listed "Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy" by Marie Chapian. If you have not read this book, you NEED to. With the exception of Scripture, there are few books that I read cover-to-cover more than once. But this book is on that short list. It describes events in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia during World War II. It is a powerful tale of faith. Put it on your list.

Most of the remaining books were what is known in the Christian Retail Industry as "Christian Living". These were books by Joyce Meyers, John and/or Lisa Bevere, etc. These books typically focus on applying Biblical principles. They are practical but can be challenging.

Finally, I was asked what my book would be. I purposely did not wade into that discussion because I knew I would do so here. Having read thousands of books, it can be difficult to pick just one. Many people assumed I would pick some obtuse theological treatise. Something like a Systematic Theology by Hodge, Chafer or Miley. Of course, I said 'book' singular. These works are multi-volume, three, ten and two respectively. Then some thought I might take an history book. Anderson's "Crucible of War", Eckert's "Wilderness Empire" or Warren's "The Making of the Constitution" would make fine reading. There are great biographies such as "Einstein" by Issacson, or "George Washington" by Lodge; works of literature such as Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Dickens. So what would I take with me as my only companion in addition to Scripture? The answer is straightforward.

The book I would choose is Strong's "Exhaustive Concordance". This single edition gives me the entire Bible at my fingertips. It also includes Hebrew and Greek dictionaries so that I wouldn't be without the original languages. The works I have read would be accessible in my brain...somewhat. But Strong's would allow me to continue to unlock the Word of God. If your library does not contain a copy, you need to make that your next your next purchase.

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