Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Do-Over

Tomorrow morning at 2am, Daylight Savings Time officially ends.  We have the unique occurrence of gaining an extra hour--a day that is actually 25 hours long!  Now, most of us will be sleeping when this occurs...and we can always use an extra hour of sleep, since we are the most sleep-deprived nation on the planet.  However, the unique thing about this night is that we actually re-live the hour from 1am to 2am.  See, at 2am we set our clocks back to 1am, and do it all over again.

If only we could do that in life on a regular basis.  If only we could re-set the clock and re-live a moment over.  How many times have you said something and, after it was out of your mouth, wish you could take it back?  How about doing something you have regretted....or not doing something you wished you had?

While we cannot re-set the clock and "do it over", God can.  He can re-set our lives on the path they need to be.  He can give new beginnings....make things us to re-make our life.  While the clock is never fully turned back, and while we never totally re-live our lives, we can make a fresh start with God's help.

Have an area in your life you are struggling to overcome?  Would like to re-live it, or turn the clock back?  Turn it over to God...let Him re-make it.

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